Saturday, December 29, 2007

Random Pictures

Okay, for all of you begging for more pics, here they are. I finally uploaded all of my pics onto the computer in the correct location, so now I can keep up with the picture thing. We're not picture taking people in general, so that's why there aren't very many of them to begin with!
The first is of Matthew playing with Daddy. I'm glad I got a smile, because he does not like having his picture taken. Ben, on the contrary, loves it, hence his cheesy grin. The third is me reading "The Poky Little Puppy" and the last one is of the icicles on our house. Those are gone now and a new crop is growing. We also got about 6-8 inches of snow last night and there's more to come next week!


gpagmafulkerson said...

Liked the pictures. How much snow have you had altogether so far?

The Harrisons said...

Ben looks like such a big boy!!! I remember when he was Eóin's size!! Thanks for the pics :-)

Shanti said...

yay pics!