Thursday, January 3, 2008

Death of a Good Friend

Today marks the passing of a dear friend of the Litwiller family: our beloved television set. I would now like to eulogize about the dearly departed.

Our 20" Panasonic has served the family well over the past 8 1/2 years. He joined the family when the family was created, back in August of 1999. My parents gave him to us as a wedding present and he brought much joy to our home in the form of movies, video games, and crazy TV shows, like Survivor and the Amazing Race. Even the Food Network became a favorite over the years.

Back in 2001, he was joined by the DVD player and the two were inseperable. Around the same time, the VCR attatched to the TV became quite ill, having played a stupid tape sent from a company that erased itself as it played. The television took good care of the VCR and a rewinder was purchased to alleviate it's pain.

In the year 2005, a decision was made to disconnect the cable so that the owners would spend more time with their beloved son and less time vegging. The television was concerned, but many videos and DVD's later learned that it would still be in use.

The television began to show signs of age, as it periodically had a rainbow at the bottom and the cords connecting it to the DVD player became looser and looser. The final death blow came in the form of a Peter Pan video from the library. It was at this time that Mr. Litwiller took it apart and broke the VCR to rescue the tape. The TV then showed some senility when it thought a tape was inside and was constantly trying to accept, play, and eject a phantom tape. Mr. Litwiller took out the VCR, but the surgery was unsuccessful and the TV is no more.

The television was replaced by a flat screen model from Wal-Mart with no VCR attatched. A VCR from my grandmother will be used in place of the dead model.

The television was survived by the DVD player. The rewinder predeceased the TV a few years ago. No memorial service will be held. The TV will be donated to the Foundation for Robert Litwiller in the hopes that he can tinker further with a larger electronic device and learn pretty much nothing from the experience, except how to play with a dead TV.

The End.


The Harrisons said...

HA ha ha - You had me worried. My google reader just shows met he titles of new posts on my friends blogs and I was sad for you guys! Very funny :-)

Shanti said...

OK. Now THAT was funny!!!

Beverly said...

You're funny. So sorry to hear of your loss.

hartgirlies said...

Our thoughts are with you. We had a similar tramatic experience last weekend that involved a sick printer. The laptop also was sent to intensive care. It was touch and go for a while, but it was able to return home yesterday with its memory and functionality restored to normal.