Monday, March 30, 2009

The Newest Litwiller

We had a new individual move into our house today. Most families with small children host someone similar at various times. His name? Not Me.

Rob found some crayon on the wall near the kitchen set. He asked the boys who colored on the wall. They both replied, "Not me!" After a few askings with the same answer, he decided to use a clever little tactic that was used by a fellow educator who figured out which student was stealing from the vending machines. Rob addressed Ben directly, "How did you color on the wall, Ben?" Ben's reply? "I didn't color on the wall!" I posed the same answer to Matthew with the same result. Then Ben pegged Anna as the culprit. Funny, she doesn't use crayons and can't reach that high anyway. Neither one confessed to the crime, so the topic was dropped.

As for the case of the vending machine stealer (for those interested), our youth pastor directly asked the young man in question, "Show me how you got the candy out of the machine." The student promptly obeyed and revealed the methods used in the crime. Funnily enough, the youth pastor wasn't even 100% positive that the student in question was the criminal, but there was no doubt after the demonstration! Gotta love freshman.

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