Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Adorable Things from Adorable Boys

Okay, so the kids have been driving me nuts lately (Mr. Independent and Mr. Defient, Matt and Ben respectively) so I decided to take a moment to reflect on how adorable they can be.

Benjamin has been learning lots of new words recently. He tries repeating anything we ask him to and if he gets it right, the word will become part of his regular vocabulary. Matthew is his best teacher. Here's how the conversation goes:

MJ: Ben, say "light."
Ben: wite.
MJ: Good job! Now say "couch."
Ben: cousch.
MJ: Good job! Now say.....(and on it goes)

They do this everywhere: in the car, the store, at mealtimes, while watching TV and I never get tired of it.

Ben is in love with Larry from Veggie Tales. He constantly asks me to read him Veggie Books and loves to watch Larry pop out with his tuba.

Matthew has the most adorable nervous habit. He chews on his fingers. He kind of twists his hands so that they are a little backwards. He does this in new situations or anytime that he doesn't have a handle on the situation. If he's feeling confident, he chatters like a monkey. It's so funny to listen to his conversations as well.

Ben loves to color. When I sit down with Matthew for "schooltime", I give Ben some blank paper and crayons. Today he managed to keep them out of his mouth until the very end, when he went to town on the brown crayon.

The boys love it when Daddy comes home, although they have taken to screaming. There have been a few times that Rob has almost turned around and gone back to school/work. That's when Mommy screams.

Matthew's stall tactics for bedtime are hilarious. My favorite one is when he comes down and tells me that the fan blew off his kissie. We got a good laugh out of the night that he told us he was afraid of Ben. Usually he's afraid of the door, the doorknob, or the wall.

Ben has been getting bad cases of the "me toos" recently. It's usually not too bad, but the other day, Matthew hurt his knee and needed a Band-Aid. As soon as I patched him up, Ben came up, lifted his knee, and said, "Owie!" So, I doctored his "owie" as well. It's a good thing we have lots of band-aids!

Okay, so they can be very cute. I'll try to keep them :)


The Harrisons said...

Man I wish I had Matthews imagination when I was little - that kiss blowing off is a good one! It's so cute - how could you possibly get in trouble ha ha :-)

Anonymous said...

For quite a while, I would blow Sela a kiss at bedtime. It would float up toward the ceiling and then fall slowly towards her. She would catch it with her hand and hang onto it. But then the kisses started flying out the door before she could catch them. Or I'd leave and shut the door behind me, and the kiss would slip out under the door. A distraught 3-year-old would come into the kitchen, crying that her kiss got away. It was a cute ritual for a while, but I have to say I don't miss it now that she has forgotten about it. As hard as I tried, I could never outsmart those kisses that always managed to escape before she could catch them.

Shanti said...

Angela is David's teacher too. It is soooo cute!! Except when she gets a little bossy about it.:-(