Monday, September 24, 2007

Fun Sayings

Matthew has been asking everyone recently what their favorite color is. Rob and I answer (blue for Rob, green and purple for me) and then he asks Ben. Without fail, everytime, Ben says that his favorite color is Mommy. I'm curious to know what color that would be in a Crayola box....

Today I watched Devin and Daniel for a bit, two of the boys' friends. Devin had a plaid shirt and khaki shorts on, so I asked him why he was so dressed up. "Do you have a hot date?" I asked. Devin, age four, replied, "No, I have a cold date." I think I've been on a few of those...

Matthew has been loads of fun to talk to, as usual. His new topic of conversation is talking about God and how he loves God. He's been asking quite a few questions about salvation, so Rob has been centering their bedtime devotions on that topic. Neither one of us think he's quite ready yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if he understands it in the next year or so and is ready. It's been so neat to hear his questions and see his thought processes at work. We certainly do not want to push him, but we want to be ready when he is ready.

Matthew has decided to take the role of daddy around the house. He loves to reiterate my instructions to Ben. (Personally, I think he should reinforce his OWN instructions.) I told Rob today that Ben doesn't need a bossy older sister...he has a bossy older brother. (No comments from my siblings, please!)

Ben has expanded the list of people that he misses. They now include Daniel, Daddy, Pa-pa, Abbie (Rob's parents' new dog), Mommy, and some other word we haven't deciphered yet. He's chattering up a storm and he tries so hard to communicate. He'll be talking well before we know it.

One last one...I try to work on picture identification with Ben when we read. The other day, I pointed to an elephant and he called it a doggie. We then asked Aunt Mandy, who works at an animal shelter, if they have any of these "doggies." She found us pretty amusing...I think.


gpagmafulkerson said...

You didn't say anything about any comments from mother. Older
children do take on the role of trying to boss younger ones around. Just think of kids in school, we always thought it was great when we became the 8th grader or the Senior in High School. Matthew is following along that line, I think it is funny , but I am looking into your world, not living it. Ha! Ha!

The Harrisons said...

Aw - ben's fav. color is mommy. That is so precious!!! Your kiddies are so precious. Can't wait to see what the next one will be :-)