Saturday, September 22, 2007

Good-bye, First Trimester!

I am pleased to say that I am officially entering the second trimester of pregnancy #3. I celebrated this morning by getting sick in the sink twice. It would be nice if entering the next pregnancy phase meant getting better instantly, but I know from experience that it does not. I still suffered from morning sickness well into my fourth month with both boys, so I don't see this ending until late October. That's least it is easing up some. I'm able to cook meals now, so that's progress. The main thing that makes me sick is the dishes. We don't have a dishwasher (he went back to school) so I have to do them by hand. Yick.

I had a check-up yesterday with Dr. Oliver. My weight and blood pressure are fine. She tried to listen to the baby's heartbeat but couldn't find it (not surprising because I'm only 13 weeks) so she pulled out the ultrasound. That's more exciting anyway because I get to see the baby. She was doing flips in there, so it took a minute for Dr. Oliver to find her heart! I'd say she's doing just fine. (Again, no clue if it's a girl yet...just wishful thinking.) I do have another picture, but it's so blurry that it's really not worth posting. It's amazing how clear those machines are and how terrible the pics turn out. Kind of like driver's liscence pictures.

We went to a birthday party last night for a friend of Matthew and Ben's. They had a blast playing around in the balloons and eating Blue Moon cake from Culver's. The cake was a child's delight and an adult's nightmare. Blue custard, very sweet, covered in sour gummy worms and colorful gel. I didn't even bother to take Rob a piece. The kids just loved it....I ate some due to heartburn problems. It did help, but I skipped the gummy worms. Ben ate those off for me. :) I might have liked it when I was a kid, but I don't remember eating that much candy back then...just chocolate. Mmmmmm.....chocolate.......good thing I grocery shop today!


gpagmafulkerson said...

Yes you liked chocolate, remember when you wanted a chocolate pie for your birthday one year instead of a cake?

Beverly said...

Yay for seeing Baby! Soon you'll be feeling her if you haven't already! I've felt mine earlier and earlier with each pregnancy. Hope you start feeling MUCH better very soon!


The Harrisons said...

They had to use the ultrasound to find Eóin's heartbeat too - way better!!! Only a few more weeks till you find out what it is huh? Have you scheduled that sonogram yet?

Unknown said...

Beverly--I have already started feeling her a bit...I felt Matthew at 17 weeks, Ben at 13 weeks, and I swear I felt this one around 9 weeks...but that could have been muscle spasms....we'll just say it was the baby :)

Karen--My sonogram is scheduled for October 23rd. Rob is taking the day off classes to come with me. I haven't found a sitter wanna watch the boys???

The Harrisons said...

Aawww - I'd love to. You can drop 'em off here anytime -ha ha :-)