Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tiny Trackers

Our first night of Tiny Trackers went very well. We had four three-year-olds in our class and it was fun. Three of them just turned three in the last two months, so it was interesting to see their skill levels compared to the 4's and 5's when we joined them for songs, puppets, lessons, and gametime. They did pretty well considering how little they are.

It's always a joy to work with the pre-school crowd, as they do and say some very funny things. One little boy didn't quite get the concept of running down to the pin carrying a ball. He rolled it instead, but he knocked down the pin, so it was kind of cool inspite of the mistake. Matthew and another boy ran for the other team's pin, so they had a bit of a problem with directional sense. The last boy did well, but seemed confused when he was told to to run down and then told to run back! It didn't seem to make sense to him, but he did it anyway. They were all very cute.

I think my favorite quote of the night came at the very end when the parents were picking up the kids. After two boys had been picked up, the third one said, "My mom won't be here forever." And it was said pretty matter-0f-factly with just a hint of resignation to his fate.

Matthew loved it and has been asking continually to go back. We kept them pretty busy and no activity was longer than ten minutes, so there is no way the kids could get bored or have time to misbehave. Rob and I taught the lesson on creation by me talking about it and Rob choosing a sign for each day of creation. The kids caught on pretty quickly. It was very cute to see them sign turtle (my favorite animal sign.)

In other news, I have my first Tupperware party tomorrow night. A friend is hosting it, but it's in my home, so I have a bit of cleaning to do. It should be fun and relaxed. Oh, Rob took the day off work so that he could get some extra sleep. We all took a nice, long nap this afternoon (from which I don't think I've woken up yet!)


The Harrisons said...

aww - I love little kids. I'll be praying your tupperware party goes well.

Shanti said...

David really sounded like he enjoyed Tiny Trackers. Kids do say the funniest things!

Beverly said...

Awww! Glad TT went well!

BTW, Arden can sing the Cubbies theme song now. I'm going to get it on video and post it sometime--I don't know if it will be as great as when he did it spontaneously when I picked him up Wed. night, but it's just too cute!!