Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Glamour Shots

Well, Anna had her first model photos taken today. One picture is of her facing the camera, the other is of her profile. Pretty amusing to get two pics that way!

I had another ultrasound today, just to check and be sure that Anna's heart is fine. The doctor couldn't fully see everything at the last ultrasound and wanted to double check b/c of the heart murmur Rob was born with. She's fine, although we think she was asleep during the whole thing b/c she didn't move much. She sure kicked up a storm on the way home, though!

He did say that she's six days ahead of schedule growth-wise. I saw on the computer that a new possible due date is March 23rd. I've stopped paying any attention to due dates whatsoever for my pregnancies b/c it really doesn't matter. I'm having c-sections anyway, so I'll just show up for the scheduled surgery!! So, the 29th...the 23rd....whatever! As long as she's born and born healthy, I'm not concerned with dates anymore.

In other news, the boys have fully hit their next stage of life as brothers.....the wrestling/hitting/tormenting phase. It's actually pretty funny to watch (for the most part) as it goes in cycles. They'll be playing together nicely, then Matthew will do something (never usually a big deal) to irritate Ben. Ben immediately hits Matthew. (It may also start with Ben hitting Matthew for no reason.) Ben is punished and told to apologize to Matthew. Matthew is told to forgive Ben. Ben pets Matthew on the head, trying to be nice. Matthew doesn't like it and moves away. Ben hits Matthew.....and you get the idea. Matthew doesn't physically hurt Ben (unless he turns off the TV), but instead, takes things from Ben and tried to get Ben to chase him. It's not that bad, usually, but yesterday we watched their friend David and they took a break from torturing each other and ganged up on poor, unsuspecting, brotherless David. Poor kid...but they all played nicely for the most part. I guess I shouldn't feel too bad for David b/c he and his big sis gang up on Matthew and "scare" him sometimes. They all torture each other, and yet they love to play together!

I'm going to stop my rambling now and get to sleep. It's possible this post didn't make sense, so we'll chalk it up to two little boys having nightmares last night and waking us up. Crazy kiddos.....


The Harrisons said...

That profile one turned out so clear. That's awesome! Yay!

gpagmafulkerson said...

I love seeing the ultrasounds, but I never get used to what I am suppose to be seeing. The one of these though I can actually see her better than I have seen others. Thanks for putting them on your blog, Love, Mom

Shanti said...

Nice pics! Now you can really start her own photo album in chronological order--from before birth! :-)

Angela and David's schedule is going to be so messed up after this vacation! They've been going to bed at 11pm and waking up at 9 am!!! ack!