Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Playing Pretend

I am very proud to say that Matthew seems to have inherited his mother's imagination. He's been playing pretend recently, and it's been fun to watch him act. Right now, all of his play centers on movies or characters he is familiar with, but I'm sure he'll be making up his own stuff pretty soon. Peter Pan was one of his favorites for awhile, but neither Daddy nor Mommy appreciated the sword-fighting that was involved with it, so that tape went back to the library. In his Peter Pan world, I was Wendy, Ben was Michael, Daddy was Jon, Grandpa Fulkerson was Cpt. Hook, and Grandma Fulkerson was Mr. Smead. Later, Grandma was promoted to Tinkerbell. That one has worn off and now....

I'm Tigger!!! Matthew was watching the Tigger movie and now pretends he is Tigger. So, we have lots of bouncing going on at our house. I dug up a hat and gloves that Uncle Andy had given us. The gloves are orange with stripes on them and the hat has Tigger's face and ears. He wears them all over the place...he's so cute. Ben, of course, had to have a hat as well, so I found one with Winnie the Pooh on it. Ben walks around singing, "Winnie the Pooh" (the only words he knows) and asks me to sing the rest of the song. I'm now Kanga, Anna is Roo, and Daddy is Christopher Robin. At least I didn't have to be Rabbit!

I will say this for Tigger...he can stay! Matthew repeatedly tells me that Tigger is nice to people, Tigger obeys, and Tigger is kind. If that's the case, then Tigger is more than welcome here!!

1 comment:

The Harrisons said...

Can I have a tigger? Eón is going through a when I'm not happy I shout stage...ahhhh!!!! We need a picture of this cute little tigger :)