Monday, November 5, 2007

If you take two little ones to school....

...then they will want to wear costumes. If you put them in costumes, then they will want to run around (and out). If you let them run around, then the little one will appoint himself "official door opener." If he opens the doors, he might get blown away.

And I could go on, but I'll stop there. Today the boys and I went to Maranatha for a dramatic play group, hosted by Matthew's Sunday school teacher's class (she teaches early childhood education at the college.) We were the first one's to arrive, mainly because we dropped Rob off at work and then puttered around campus for a bit. The boys enjoy visiting several people and going to the library, so we did that for a bit. Praise God for "Grandma Jan" (Mrs. Sturgill) who took Matthew potty, as it was downstairs and there's no elevator for Ben's stroller.

As the first one's to arrive, we got the first choice of costumes. Matthew chose a lion costume and I picked out a toucan for Ben. I really wish I'd had my camera, b/c they were adorable! Many of the students in Mrs. K's class took pics, so perhaps I will get a copy. They had a blast running around with their friends (about 15 or so other children from church.) Ben kept trying to run out the doors and did appoint himself doorman (even though he could barely open the door!)

After a bit, Mrs. K. had the kids settle down for a story. She had multiple puppets to show the kids, and among them were Fred the Attentive Dog and Cocoa the Obedient Bear from Sunday School. Matthew sat okay for the story and added his usual input to the group. Ben sat on my lap for a bit, but then fussed off and on. I had to take him out to talk to him a few times, but he finally did better when I let him walk a bit. He's just to young to sit still yet. Matthew eventually laid down on the floor. I could tell that he was getting tired...trip to Grandma's combined with time change made for a very tired kiddo. He didn't even try to sing the songs, and that is VERY unusual for him. (Being his teacher in Tiny Trackers has made me more aware of his capabilities and participation level in things like this...and I'm so glad I've been able to observe him!)

I finally figured out what was going on about halfway through the class. Mrs. K. was teaching her students how to handle the little guys along with demonstrating a bunch of different ways to use puppets and other objects. The kids just loved it. She had Matt and Ben's friend David come up and sing "Amazing Grace" to show that children are not too young to learn. He was so sweet and he brought tears to my eyes. (Okay, that's not saying much, b/c I cry alot when I'm pregnant! I can't even listen to country music because I blubber like an idiot! Oh, and Mom and Dad? That video on Sunday made me cry, too!)

At the end, she had a gift for each of the children. Matthew chose a little container of Play-Doh and I picked out a giraffe for Ben. We left pretty quickly b/c it was very hot in there and b/c the boys were in need of naps. They slept for 3 hours this afternoon, which means I got a nice long rest as well!


The Harrisons said...

Aw...sounds like fun!

Shanti said...

I clicked on here to comment....and totally forgot what I was going to say!! and I have no pregnancy excuse--though I didn't get to sleep until 1 am and then woke up at 6:15am so that could be part of the problem.
Oh...I put up some cute pics of Matt and Ben on my site with those monster cupcakes.
Now I remember what I was going to say!! Pictures!!
Yeah, I'm hoping I get some pictures too because I also forgot to bring my camera that day and they were so cute! Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!