Friday, November 16, 2007


We went to Wal-Mart the other day and I tooled around the toy section, trying to get some ideas for Christmas. I told Matthew to let me know what he liked. He'll be easy to shop for: just get him one of everything in the toy department. In particular, he liked the $350 Jeep that he can drive around. I told him it was too expensive and he said, "Well, that's okay. Maybe we can find it at a garage sale." That's my boy!!

I took the boys with me on a prenatal visit today, just to get them involved. They were very well behaved (Ben kept saying "Very quiet. Doctor"), but Matthew got a little concerned when the doctor was listening to Anna's heartbeat. He looked at me and asked what she was doing. I explained and then he said, "Is she going to do that to me?" I told him no, and he visibly relaxed at that point. A doctor he is not destined to be!

This one's just for Grandma Litwiller: Matthew was singing "If You're Happy and You Know it" and was making up his own things to do. The one that made me laugh was: If you're happy and you know it, pat your poe-poe. Rob taught him that one.

And the newest pretending is being Mowgli from the Jungle Book. That would be okay in summertime, but running around in just a pair of underwear in forty degree weather is not exactly acceptable. And of course, Ben has to do it, too.


Megan R. said...

What do you mean it's not acceptable to run around in just a pair of underwear in 40-degree weather??? That's all Sela will wear. Although she did put her fleece pajamas back on at some point today.

As I post this comment, I am sitting here wearing shoes and socks and jeans and a stocking cap and a turtleneck sweater and a fleece vest and a zip-up wool sweater with the hood up. I was freezing like this last evening, too, and it's not that cold in here. I wonder if my thyroid is acting wonky again...I have no other symptoms, though.

Shanti said...

Maybe Matthew is simply destined to be Rob running around in shorts in 40 degree weather. Gotta copy dad!