Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Other Ones

I've been posting a lot about the boys (and why not...they're so adorable!), so I decided to take a moment to update everyone on the other two people that live here...me and Rob.

Rob has about one month left in this semester and he's trying to keep his head above water. He works 40 hours a week (it was more until they caught him and made him reduce hours) and is in school 13 hours per week. Just when he gets caught up on work, he falls behind again. He's hoping that he can get all caught up over Thanksgiving break. We'll be going down to visit family briefly and then come back here for the rest of the time off so that he can get more work done. Thankfully, his big stuff comes after break so he can get that prepared as well.

Rob's carpal tunnel problems have also resurfaced. He went through therapy back in the spring for this problem, but has recently noticed it resurfacing. He's been trying to take care of himself as his therapist taught him to, but we can't find his wrist braces, which would help tremendously. (It's funny....for such an organized person, my house sure is in chaos! I wish I could blame it on the kids, but I was like this BEFORE they came along.)

So, while Rob's plugging away at school and work, I'm busy with the kids and my ministries. I do love raising my kids and count it a priveledge to be with them all day. They are both so sweet and the good times far outweigh the bad. I love to laugh with them, play with them, and instruct them. We haven't had formal "school" times, but I think my kiddos learn best informally right now, anyway. Matthew has recently indicated a desire to read, so I'll be working with him on that.

I love being involved with the church. I can't imagine not having several "irons in the fire" when it comes to church ministries. I love greeting children in the nursery and getting to know the parents, especially our visitors. What a wonderful way to welcome people into the church by warmly welcoming their children and providing a safe environment for them to play while their parents focus on learning about the Lord.

My other ministries are more minor, in that they don't involve much time. I am the missions assistant for our missionary circle and I send out b-day cards to the missionaries our circle takes care of. I am still writing the newsletter for our moms group each month, which is a lot of fun. I was recently challenged to focus more on momish devos instead of discipline techniques and advice, so that will be an interesting new focus for me. I've also been attending the ladies' Bible study each week, and that's been neat. I don't contribute much to the group (or anything, really) but it's neat to go and listen. I spent far too many years yacking over nothing in S.S. and now it's time for me to sit and listen.

And that's me and Rob. Wow....that sounds really boring. But, that's what we're up to right now. We're still madly in love with each other and frequently talk about leaving the kids with relatives for a week (any takers???) and going on a second honeymoon. Come to think of it, we didn't even spend a week on our first honeymoon! I just adore that big guy (although I'm bigger than him right now) and mourn the fact that I can't spend more time with him. I keep telling people that he's perfect...and he really is.

One adorable Rob story and I'll close: The other night I woke up for one of my many trips to the bathroom (why did I drink so much water after 7pm??) and when I came back to bed, I noticed that Rob was on his tummy. He looked exactly like Ben! He was so sweet that I had to kiss his cheek just like I do the boys when they're sleeping. I told him later that the next time someone says, "Oh, Ben is so cute! He looks just like you!" that he needs to turn and say, "thank you!"

1 comment:

Shanti said...

Boring???? Nah. Only to people who don't know what it's like watching kids all day!