Saturday, May 2, 2009

Garage Sales

What I was looking for today: Couch in semi-decent condition and not uglier than a barn wall and a double stroller or wagon to help contain the wanderer so I can take the kids on walks by myself.

What I found today: A Bulls jacket for Ben, play-doh toys, a ball to ride on, two books, a stamp, a Backyardigans DVD, and some baked goods.

What I passed on: Institutional orange couches with plastic cushions. They were only $10.....but no.

**sigh** The hunt continues for reasonable furniture and containment/safety on wheels.....


The Harrisons said...

Better luck next time :-)

Shanti said...

hahaha. I'm with you on the "not uglier than a barn wall" thing. I'm looking for a diaper changing table, a stroller, and a walker. And lots and lots of baby clothes...

Unknown said...

A walker or an excersaucer? The APA has blasted walkers so much that you'll be hard-pressed to find one. I'd go with an excersaucer instead.