Friday, May 1, 2009

One Final Down, One to Go

Rob took his Pauline Epistles final today and got a 91 on it, with some extra credit verses. He was able to quote some verses for extra credit, which he needed b/c his grade was on the edge. (He had a bad test score, which accounts for the low grade.) His prof wouldn't tell him the grade until Rob was finished quoting verses...very sneaky and exactly the kind of thing I would have done as a teacher :) He had a C- going into the final, so he passed the class. Woo-hoo! This was the only class we were concerned about. He has his Ethics final on Monday at 7:30am and he's done. Done. Wow.....thirteen years of work on an undergrad degree will come to a close. He spent three years here from 96-99, then worked on a math ed degree in Cali, then came here for three years to finish. Should take him about half the time to get his Master's of Divinity!! :)

1 comment:

gpagmafulkerson said...

Way to go Rob!!!! One more and your done. Then can make a sigh of relief. Party!!!