Friday, May 8, 2009

Graduation and Celebration

He did it. The big guy walked across the stage today and got his diploma. He's officially a college graduate. Now I can pull my diploma out as well and proudly display it next to his. Woo-hoo!!

Rob had to be on campus by 9am for pictures, so we trooped the kids out the door at 8:40 to make sure we were there in plenty of time. Matthew helped return Rob's post office key and then the kids and I walked around campus some waiting for the nursery to open. I showed them the dining hall, the football field, and they found every clump of dandelions in the area and gave away "flowers" to everyone they met. The nursery opened earlier than expected, so I got Ben and Anna settled then went to meet Rob as he was lining up. He had purchased a new Bible for Matthew and gave it to him at that time. Matthew was very proud of his new Bible :)

While talking to a few people, we found out that a lady from our church had passed away of a heart attack early that morning. She worked with us in the nursery and headed the interpreting at church. If you think of them, please pray for the Kuhlman family. She was in her 50's I'm guessing and has three grown daughters. It was quite a shock.

Matthew and I decided to head to the gym to settle into our seats. We were in the back row on an aisle, as requested. He was very overwhelmed by the number of people and demonstrated in many ways that he did NOT want to be there. But it was important to Rob that Matthew see Daddy graduate. Matthew sat as still as he could during the service, but it was just too much for a wiggly little boy. I had a few things to occupy him, but he tired of them quickly. I took him for a little walk during part of the Commencment address then we stayed in until we saw Rob get his diploma (which, of course, was in the last batch of graduates!) We stayed outside until the recessional, then Rob joined us. He went into a classroom to get his actual diploma and I picked up Anna and Ben. We waded through the crowds to get to the car, getting our picture taken and talking to a few people along the way. Then it was time for the family party!

We ate lunch at home then headed off to Madison. We took the kids to the zoo there, which is a free zoo. They had a ball and Anna is finally at the age where she could enjoy it as well. The highlight for all of us was being very close to a full-sized tiger. He was behind glass and paced in front of it. The boys were fascinated...I mean, who wouldn't be if you were that close (and safe) to a tiger! Anna enjoyed watching the praire dogs scamper all over in their exhibit and I think she would have joined them. She tried to catch a turtle that was swimming behind glass in the reptile house and was rather surprised when she couldn't touch him :) But her favorite animal was the python. She went nuts for that thing! I showed her the anaconda as well and she got excited about that big guy. No fuzzy bears or funny monkeys for my little girl....bring on the big snakes!

After the zoo we went out to eat. We had planned to take them to Chuck E. Cheese, but they were pretty tired, so we hit Red Robin instead. Rob and I hadn't been to one since we lived in Cali so it was a nice treat. Then we came home to prepare for a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Fulkerson, who will be here within the hour.

I don't think it has fully hit us yet, but Rob is done with the undergrad. Wow. God has been so good to us and we're so thankful that Rob made it through.


cardboardkiller said...

yayyy :D congratulations mr. litwiller! and good job on that pht mrs. lit :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Rob, and Penni too! So glad to hear that you're all done! Glad to hear that everything went well!

The Trexlers

Anonymous said...

Hats off to Rob! I for one never want to take another college class in my life, so I give him lots of credit! :) I hope seminary goes well. Good job to Penni for holding down the fort at home so Rob could get his schooling done.


Beverly said...

Congratulations!!! I'm with Natalie...I'm happy to be done. :-) I'll let Ted do the graduate work! He has his master's and wants his Ph.D. More power to him!

Go, Rob!!