Saturday, July 28, 2007

Matthew vs. VBS

This week was our VBS program at church, entitled "Rescue Zone." I wasn't planning on sending Matthew mainly because last year they started at age 4. I opened the church bulletin one day and, low and behold, the age limit was changed to three. I thought about helping out, but I didn't know what to do with Ben, so I just signed up to bring cookies. I'm glad I didn't only because it was nice to NOT be involved with something involving kids. (I'm in the nursery doing something every Sunday and sometimes on Wednesdays, so I have my fill of children.) And I got some special time with Ben.

Matthew was not the least bit thrilled to go to VBS. He kept saying, "I'm afraid of Devin" and other equally silly things. When we got there on the first day, there were many familiar faces, both children and adults, but that didn't matter to Matthew. He cried and clung to me for dear life. I put him into the arms of one of our missionaries, an older lady who is returning to the field soon. She swept him away into a room filled with toys, carpet squares, pee wee sized tables, and decorations to fit the theme. We promptly left, praying for the little guy to calm down quickly. When we returned, he didn't want to leave! They kept the kids busy with puppets, stories, short videos, snacks (he complained that he got water, not Kool-Aid, as I told him he would), and coloring. They also went outside to play and played with toys indoors. He was in the pre-school VBS, so they did not join the big kids in any other events (which is just as well).

Every day afterwards, he gave his offering (they weigh it--boys won three of the five days) and then ran inside without saying good-bye. He constantly asked to return, so I was no longer worried that he wouldn't like it. He had a verse to learn for the week, which he knew pretty well by Friday. On Friday, they invited the parents to come to the closing meeting and the little ones said their verse and sang a song. I did get the song on video, and Matthew actually sang and did the motions. It was very cute. Then they had a special lunch of hot dogs and chips, with ice cream for dessert. He ate up everything (including the bun--big shocker!) and we left. The little guys did not get to go to the VBS store, so their teachers scored them a couple of goodies. Matthew got a little teddy bear and a bracelet that says Jesus and you and me. He also got a perfect attendance certificate.

It was a pretty good week for him, but a good training time for all of us. Matthew still has problems staying put. He will run out of the room, wherever he is at. He's too independent, so we're trying to work on that problem at home, as well as instructing him to stay in his classes. He's doing better, but there's lots of room for improvement. I will miss all the cute things he told me about his time there, like what instrument he played during song time, his rendition of the story, and what other kids did that was shocking/funny. He's a great little story-teller!

And that's Matthew in VBS!

1 comment:

The Harrisons said...

I worked in the pre-school VBS at Calvary - it was so much fun :) I'm sure they had a great time!