Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Me, oh my, what a handsome guy!

And that's the first line of a little poem/song I made up for Benjamin. I recite it to him everytime we get out of the car or I pick him up when he's crying. The rest goes: A little small fry, a little bitty guy. Me, oh whoo, what a handsome dude! He's in a good (or cranky) mood, He's a Booger Booger Bood." Believe me, it sounds a lot cuter when I say it to him than when I just now typed it up!

I've spent so much time focuing on Matthew the Great that I've forgotten about poor little Ben. And that's too bad, because he's been doing some pretty cool stuff lately. Sometimes I forget that he's sixteen months old. He's still my baby, but he does that crazy "older flash" more and more often, you know, when you look at your kids and they look older for a brief second. I hate it when that happens!

Ben has been running recently, which is very amusing to watch. He has chubby cheeks and the flab bounces with him. Just today, a friend was over and even she laughed at it. He's been trying to do puzzles (with no success, thus far) but he just loves them. He'll bring up an empty board and a piece and say, "Puddle??" Matthew has been doing the 24-piece ones, so Ben wants to do one too. And that's typical--whatever Big Brother does, Little Brother copies (and it also works in the reverse.) It has been good, since Ben can throw away trash, find his shoes and almost put them on, and sits in a booster seat at the table. It has been bad, since he follows Matthew to the bathroom so he can splash in the potty, he whines for food when he's not hungry, and wants to grab food from the source and not be handed safe pieces of things. Overall though, it's been fun to watch.

His vocab is pretty good. I have no clue how many words he can say because, quite frankly, I think the only reason why we moms count them is so we can show off to other moms how cool our kids are. I'm trying very hard not to be competitive (although my kids are cuter than yours) but I'm not always successful at it (as some of you know). Anyway, he says quite a few words and he tries to repeat words for us. The funniest thing he does is run into the room, babble in baby-talk for a bit, then look at us as if to say, "Well? What do you think?" or "Follow me!" We have followed him and he'll take us somewhere and babble again, all very seriously. It's hard not to crack up laughing, but he's so serious! He does sign a little bit, but he's saying the words with the signs now. His "Pees!" is so cute as he signs "Please!" He doens't say yes, just "mm-hmm" in his little high-pitched voice. I'll miss that when he's a huge teenager.....

Anyway, that's my Ben-Ben right now. He's progressing nicely (although the doc says he still has a big head) and he's a treasure. The pics I put on are of him covered in dirt, thanks to Matthew. They do not do justice to how filthy that child was when we came in from the backyard yesterday.
And the shirt says "I'm the good one, my brother's the brat" just in case you couldn't read it :)


Shanti said...

I'll take your word for it that the poem sounds better when spoken. :-)

So what's wrong with bragging about your kid? Isn't that what this blogs' about? haha. That's what 1/2 of mine is about. I figure the grandmas can relish it and the other people can just tune it out. hehe.

The Harrisons said...

He is so adorable :) I love that t-shirt. He has certainly grown up so much since the first time I watched him in the nursery...

Unknown said...

Shanti--I'm not talking about bragging about our kids, but comparing them to the point that we think our kids are better than other children. I am of the opinion that most kids, whether their parents think they are supergeniuses or extremely slow, all end up on pretty equal footing in kindergarten. I think my two are advanced, but put them in a larger group and they're just one of the crowd.

Anonymous said...

I counted words with Sela and wrote them down because I wanted a record of how she said her words as a toddler. Some of her renditions were hilarious. :)

Evan has a big head, too. It wasn't until his 12-month visit that his head was even back on the charts.

Unknown said...

I've written down some of the funny ways Matthew says his words as well...perhaps we moms should get together and write a book of funny toddler phrases!