Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happiness is.....

.....a Hershey bar. A regular kind, not that sugar free junk I've been eating.

.....knowing that my student loans are finally paid off, almost 11 years after graduating from Cedarville.

.....going out to Culver's to celebrate paying off the loan! little guy getting excited to see Mommy when I picked him up from the nursery tonight.

.....having my little man be such a big helper around the house by putting away his and Ben's laundry, picking up after himself, and praying with Ben so they could eat lunch while I finished in the kitchen.

.....having Matthew pray over my foot so it will feel better.

.....getting my stamp order tonight so I can make thank-you cards and work on new projects.

.....getting out of the house, even if it meant working with the adorable three-year-olds in Tiny Trackers.

.....having my husband come home, no matter how little time he spends here. :)

.....watching my husband play with the boys today.

.....listening to a first time pregnant mommy chatter about her pregnancy.

.....finding out my husband found a sitter so we can have a lunch date on Saturday.

.....remembering that "in whatsoever state I am, I will be content."


gpagmafulkerson said...

maybe I need to count my blessings, husband, kids, grandkids and ones to come, because feeling a little blue right now.

The Harrisons said...

Amen! Except the Hershey bar part - yuck! I hate Hersheys!

Anonymous said...

I have a seven ounce Hershey's Kiss with your name on it for after the baby is born.

Mom L

Unknown said...

Mom L.--That's why you're my favorite mother-in-love!

Karen--You probably like that weird European stuff, don't you?? We Americans like sugar in our chocolate :)

Anonymous said...

I must say that I was impressed to see that your Cedarville loans are paid off. I know that was big chunk of money. Congratulations! I'm sure that does create much happiness. :) Of course you know the hersey bar does nothing for my happiness. I'm still not a big chocolate fan!


Beverly said...

Woohoo for loans paid off! I was actually blessed to pay mine off right after Charis was born. Now we're working on paying off the van "early" so we don't have to pay as much interest. Yikes!

Thanks for this post! It was very encouraging.

Shanti said...

I love your list.

I'm not much for Hershey's chocolate though so I can't quite relate.

Happines to me is mochas, double stuffed oreos and crunchy cheetos.