Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentime's Day

(Nope....I didn't misspell Valentine's...that's how Matthew says it!) We had a nice day around here, although Rob and I didn't see much of each other. We've never really made a big deal out of Valentine's Day anyway, so neither of us feel like we missed much. It's our six month anniversary, so that's kind of more important anyway.

We did do a few things for each other in honor of the day. Rob made me a bone folder and a card. It's a card out of wood with a carved heart on it and it has a hinge. I have another one he made for Mother's Day and I think it's hilarious. It's rather cost effective, as all he has to do is change the insert every year. I told him I expect one for my birthday with a pumpkin on it. I gave him a bag of Ghiradelli 60% dark chocolates and a Skip Bo game (we are card game crazy right now.) I also wrote in his journal. Back when we were engaged, I started a journal for him that chronicled our "love story" and the events of the year, but in a more mushy way. I write in it every year at Valentine's Day and he loves it. This year I wasn't feeling very romanitc, so it started out "Hey, Buddy!" but it ended up being mushy and I even cried. I must be pregnant, because I don't cry easily! And what I wrote wasn't even all that sappy!

We got a box of Sweethearts for the boys and I'm not sure what they think of them. They also got candy and cards from grandparents. They love getting mail. We get the mail right before nap time and they usually sleep with whatever came for them.

In other news, Matthew won a prize at the library. We entered him in the Winter Reading Program. After "reading" ten books, he puts his book list into a drawing and puts stickers on a dinosaur in the children's room. We've finished six lists so far and are almost done with a seventh. It doesn't end until Feb. 29th, so I'm shooting for 100 books. I just can't believe he sits still for it all! He's even patient with books he doesn't like and will tell me at the end of them that he didn't enjoy it. And this is coming from the child who wouldn't let us read more than a couple of pages of anything to him before age 2! Anyway, he picked out a big Mommy bunny with a baby bunny (from the book "Guess How Much I Love You.") Rob was a little disappointed that he didn't pick a book, but I remember getting my stuffed Garfield from a library contest and I'm still a reader, so it's all okay :)

Ben has also surprised me recently. He counted to eight the other day. I have never worked on counting with him, other than letting him recite parts of "The Poky Little Puppy" when they count the puppies. He just blew past four and went to eight! Of course, that's the story of his life. It took us a week before we realized he had been saying his first word. He'll probably be running his own business, married, and moved out of the house before we pay any attention to what's going on.

Anna is doing fine. I think she's breech, just like the boys, because the doctor had to go to the top of my uterus to find her heartbeat yesterday. I'm not surprised, because I feel more pedaling movements at the bottom and the bigger head movements at the top. I also might have been having Braxton Hicks contractions, but never having gone through real labor, I wouldn't know. That's so weird...I will have three children but will have never given birth. Hmm....

Anyway, have a Happy Valentine's Day (or day after...whenever you read this....)

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