Friday, February 29, 2008

Morning Update

If you haven't read about this latest Litwiller saga, read the post below first, then this one so it makes sense.

Matthew is doing much better this morning. They are planning to take out the IV today and he should come home this afternoon. He is on a bland diet and got pancakes for breakfast, which are his favorite. He got a good night's sleep and has not had more diarrehea. Rob is with him now, and I guess Matthew is not too sure he wants the IV out. He like the green bandage around it. :) I told Rob to have them put it back on him afterwards.

Ben, on the other hand, is coming down with this. Well, has already. He has thrown up four times in the last hour, but is already on the bile junk. Pray that it passes through his system quickly.

**sigh** No one is more thankful than I am that it's Friday.


The Harrisons said...

Oh poor Matthew and poor mommy and daddy! Scary! I hope Ben's is not so severe. I agree about the IV - I always hated them sp much (until they brought sweet relief when I was having Eóin - ha ha) Glad Matthew feels better. Tell him Baby Eóin says he is glad too :-)

Anonymous said...

Prayers for Ben! And thank the Lord Matthew is doing better. Why on earth did they give him apple juice in the hospital?! It's a natural laxative, and fruit juice is known to exacerbate diarrhea in little ones! Sela LOVES Pedialyte and begs for more "sick juice" even after she's recovered. Silly girl.

Probiotics (the stuff in yogurt, just not yogurt itself since dairy is hard on recovering digestive systems) should help stop the diarrhea, since diarrhea from rotavirus can last for days or weeks, even after the kiddo is feeling and acting well again.

Rotavirus is also contagious in stool and saliva for two or three WEEKS after symptoms first appear, which is probably why parents take their recently-recovered kids around other kids and end up spreading the germies without realizing it.

Did Ben get the rotavirus vaccine? It's an oral one. It was brand-new around the time he and Evan were born, so I don't think Evan was offered it in time to finish the series by 32 weeks old, so he didn't qualify for it.

Unknown said...

Megan--I have no clue why they have given MJ apple juice. I kind of wondered about that one myself. My kids hate Pedialyte b/c it means they were sick, and both of them are scared of getting sick. If he'd eat much, I'd push the yogurt, but he's not interested in food right now. And that explains why he got it--there's been a bout of something at MBBC and lots of the college girls work in his nursery--we're guessing that's how he contracted it. Yep, Ben has it too. The doctor told us that the vaccine had been taken off the market for awhile but is now coming back. I think it hit everything :)

Anonymous said...

Alcohol-based hand cleaners are the best at killing the germs (soap and water don't do much, apparently...10% bleach solution does kill the germs, too--like on toys and surfaces). Push the hand-sanitizer at the nursery!!!

John took Sela to the mall playscape today, and I will be paranoid for the next three days that she'll come down with something while he's out of town for a conference this week.

I've been too chicken to put Evan in the nursery at church much this winter. I always ask myself if the hour of childless church is worth the days of sickness should he pick something up there, and most of the time I end up deciding to just keep him with me at the back of the "sanctuary" (middle school cafetorium). I wish I wasn't such a weenie about having sick kids.