Thursday, February 28, 2008


I'll blog more about this experience later, but I just wanted to get out the word that Matthew was admitted to the hospital last night for severe dehydration. He has the roto (sp?) virus and had been vomiting since Tues. am. At last report, he was keeping down a popsicle, but only time will tell if he'll be well enough to come home today. He's very weak and tired from two-plus days of little eating and drinking, but he seems to be perking up some today. I'm going to nap soon since I was the one with him last night. Rob's there now. Please pray for him.

1 comment:

Shanti said...

I was wondering what happened to him! I've been trying to get ahold of you for awhile now!

Call me when you get the chance.

We'll be praying for him.