Saturday, March 1, 2008


Tired. I think that sums up the Litwiller family right now. We're all four of us very tired. Rob and I have been sleeping okay, but we're exhausted from caring for these little boys. Ben's on day two of the virus, so he has a fever and is tired. Matthew is exhausted from very little in his system. We're just tired.

Matthew perked up last night after they hooked him back up to the IV fluids. He was eating crackers and drinking diluted fruit punch and was acting like himself. He slept very well and did not stir during two vitals checks. He woke up lethargic, however, but did drink orange juice (a big mistake, see later in the entry) and had some dry cereal. By the time breakfast came, he didn't want anything and went back to sleep. He woke up later and vomited the orange juice. I know, I know, it's not the best thing for his tummy, but right now they are trying to get him to take enough fluids orally so that he can come home and it's the only thing he wanted. He did feel better afterwards and ate some lunch. I ordered him some chicken noodle soup, half a sandwich, juice, and jello. He managed a few bites of soup, a bite of ham, and most of the juice before he couldn't eat anymore. He was too weak. He asked me to save his jello for later before he conked out again. I did get him up for a bit after he vomited (or was that the huge, leaky stool) to clean him off. He is very shaky, very unsteady on his feet, and very thin. I wouldn't call him emaciated, but he doesn't look that healthy. When I left the hospital, he was sleeping peacefully again. I want my Matthew back.

Benjamin did go to urgent care yesterday. He had thrown up 15 times and we were directed by his pediatrician to take him in. The poor guy has my veins and was poked repeatedly by needles until they could draw blood. They tried and failed to set up an IV area in case he needed fluids. Rob said there was lots of screaming and "I don't like it!"'s from the baby. They gave him medicine for the nausea, and that has worked. He was on the low end of normal for hydration, so they did not admit him. He has been taking in lots of fluids and even ate a popsicle with Matthew last night. He's running a low grade fever right now and is having many bouts of loose stool, just as many as Matthew had in that short period of time. He has been sleeping alot today, but has been drinking plenty and even ate a cracker. He's up in Matthew's room right now. We didn't see the point in keeping him home since he'll be miserable anywhere and if he gets worse, we're already at the hospital. We were offered our own wing, if need be. Gotta love nurses with a sense of humor.

Anna is by far the most active child right now. I'm most thankful that she has not been born yet, as I don't even want to know what happens to a newborn with this virus.

This is hard. I've cried my way through this post. I just want my boys home and healthy.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that the boys have been so sick. Our prayers are with you. May God sustain you and give you peace.

Anonymous said...

Oh Penni, prayers that you all are well really soon! And that Anna won't get it. So scary!! I've asked my mom friends to pray for you, too.

gpagmafulkerson said...

I feel for you alot. It is alot to
go through normally and being pregnant just increases the being able to handle this , two fold maybe ten fold. Reading this blog after knowing that the update is you are home, everyone, Praise the Lord.