Monday, March 3, 2008

Not out of the woods yet

Matthew has made a full recovery, pretty much. He's been eating non-stop today and with as much weight as he lost, I'm letting him. I'm trying to keep it healthy, but I am thinking about giving him a milkshake or two just to bulk him up :) Actually, I think there's a section in my kid's dietary book (Healthy Food for Healthy Kids) all about the underweight child and what to give them. I'll be skimming that for ideas.

Benjamin, on the other hand, spent most of the day in lethargy. He did perk up a few times and has been drinking plenty, but he's pretty weak. It was like caring for a newborn all over again. He wanted me with him whenever he was awake, so you can just imagine what the house looks like. Poor little guy did have another round of diarrehea today along with vomiting once, but I think he's okay. He doesn't look dehydrated to me. I read some more about the rotavirus and the only treatment is hydration. He's taking in fluids pretty well, so I'm trying not to worry. He's on day four and at this point with the virus, Matthew was also lethargic and sleeping alot. We'll see how Ben's doing tomorrow before we make any judgment calls on taking him to the doctor. I don't want to tramatize him further.

Rob and I are pretty tired. The boys aren't on their normal nap schedule, so Rob and I couldn't get much of a nap today. Rob was home for four hours between school and work, so that was nice. He doesn't have class tomorrow (there's a conference) so he'll be here until 10am, but then he works 10 hours. Someone is coming to help tomorrow, so that will be nice.

Another praise--Our mom's group was cancelled this month due to the outbreaks of flu all over the place. We weren't going anyway, but it's nice to know that I won't be missing anything.

I'll end with a good Matthew quote: Today, as I was sitting on the couch and Ben was sleeping, Matthew said, "Mommy? Don't you wish Ben was driving you crazy, too?" I had told Matthew at the hospital that I was looking forward to him driving me crazy again and he put it all together and applied it to Ben. Isn't he cute??


gpagmafulkerson said...

Smart little guy. That is cute.

The Harrisons said...

Aw - Matthew is so cute! Glad he is feeling better :-)

MommaHarms said...

Hi I don't think you know me but I am an MBBC grad and friends with karen Harrison (which is how I found your blog) anyways, as a SAHM myself, I enjoy reading your blog. I just watned to let you know that I am praying for you specifically right now. Carrying a baby with all of the sickness in your home is not easy, I am sure. I am not sure waht your due date is, but I am praying that the sickness is gone before she comes.

Nicole Harms

Unknown said...

Nicole--Thanks so much for your prayers! I'm having a c-section on the 21st, so I'm only 2 1/2 weeks away, to answer your question.