Thursday, March 6, 2008

It happened

Well, what we were dreading happened: we're both sick. Rob has a pretty bad headache and had a fever yesterday. His stomach is queasy, but he's been drinking fine. I have some queasiness myself and can't stand for too long, but w/o the headache, I'm definitely the more well one. We'd ask for help with the kids, but Ben is still having diarrehea, so he's still contagious. We'd also like to keep Matthew away from people for a few more days, so we'll just try to survive this day. I think we're going to dip the whole house in a gigantic vat of Lysol before the baby comes.

I had my prenatal appointment yesterday (finally) and everything is fine. I am not dialated at all, which is good, b/c dialation is not something you look for in a c-section delivery :) The doctor thinks that the baby is heads down, but she hasn't done an ultrasound to check. I think she's breech, so we'll see who's right. Maybe we should have a pool going.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you and Rob are sick too. Jim has sinus infection we think. He had fever, chills, cough, headache and hurts around the sinus area. He has been sick since Monday, but felt a little better today.

Mom L.