Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Quick Update

I've been trying to get in here to give a good, long update on the surgery/birth of Anna, but I've either been too tired and groggy to type when I'm on the computer or I've been prevented. Even now, she's making indications that it might be time to eat again...

Anyway, I'll give all the gorey details of surgery and recovery later (with ample warnings for the weak stomached) but I'd just like to let everyone know that we're home and doing well. Anna is a delightful baby who sleeps most of the time, is absolutely adorable (and not nearly as chubby as that picture makes her out to be), and is my first child who wants to nurse! Yup, she's actually interested in nursing, although we are also using bottles. She started on a bottle since I was so out of it after surgery so that has continued. We're making good progress everyday in that department.

The boys are adjusting well to this new little sister. They love her and have not shown any animosity towards her...yet. They have shown that they need more Mommy time, so that's something I have to work on. Benjamin decided to come down with croup the night before we came home, so that was fun for Rob and Grandma to deal with. He's loads better now after his shot and hasn't had a problem since.

We enjoyed having Rob's parents here for a few days. I was praying for a major snowstorm so they wouldn't leave. We really appreciated their visit and teased them multiple times about hiding parts of their car so they would stay. My folks come on Friday and will be staying until Anna is 18 (right Mom??).

That's it for now. Duty calls.......and hiccups.....


The Harrisons said...

Glad you are both doing well. I'm so excited for you :-)

Megan R. said...

A friend of mine who just had a baby Anna six weeks ago is having much success with nursing after having ZERO success (despite trying for weeks and even taking meds...she just never made milk) with her firstborn. She had no intentions of even trying with this baby and never latched her on, but her milk came in like crazy on day four, and the baby is a breast-feeding natural! LOL

Prayers as you recover and everyone adjusts to the newest family member. :)