Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Losing patience with my patients

I thought of that title a few days ago and thought I'd save it for the day I needed it. This day was it. Ben got sick again this morning and since then has needed Mommy almost constantly. He has been drinking well (too well this morning, that's why it all came back up) and he ate some crackers and has kept them down. He's chatting with Daddy on the couch right now, so he's doing loads better. However, he was pretty miserable for about three hours waiting for the crackers to work through his system, and every five minutes had to change positions. If I left the couch for a minute, he'd follow me, carrying his blankie, doggie, and crying. I did manage to get supper eaten and fed Matthew (thanks to Jimmy Johns) but it was a trying evening.

Matthew has also wanted his fair share of attention. He finally broke down at naptime (they did nap today!) and said that he wanted his Mommy. He's symptom-free right now, so I think we'll go on a breakfast date on Saturday (the first day I'm letting him around people.)

A lady from church came over today for two hours and cleaned the kitchen, did dishes, and cleaned the floors. She also kept Matthew occupied for a bit. That was a big help, especially since Ben was extra-clingy today. He did sleep for a bit while she was here, so I was able to tackle the stacks of stuff on the piano. (Murphy's Law--Any horizontal surface is quickly piled up.) Hopefully Ben is better tomorrow so I can get the dusting done and start (eek!) getting ready for number three.

Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment, so I'll get out of the house a bit. I'm also going to Tiny Trackers while Rob stays home with the kids. Supposedly, influenza is spreading right now and I don't want the boys exposed to more germs (although Ben could definitely spread some right now).

Ahhh...the sounds of Ben babbling. Haven't heard that for a few days. He also smiled at Rob and I tonight, which I haven't seen since Friday. Warms my heart.

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