Sunday, June 14, 2009


Well, I haven't posted anything for awhile b/c I'm waiting for a headache to go away. I woke up with it on Wednesday and it seemed to be a migraine....and could be, for all I know, but it won't go away. I've slept, watched my diet, taken Exedrine Migraine, and still the thing lingers. I've decided to go about with my life as normally as possible at this point. If I don't, I will go crazy.

Rob has been a sweetheart about all of this and has taken good care of me and the family. He took some time off work on Thursday since I was so dizzy I could barely walk. I'm so thankful for such a wonderful husband who takes good care of me.

The kids have been sweet as well. The boys are pretty good when I'm not feeling well and almost go overboard at times. I had two fans on me this afternoon and went from needing a light breeze to needing a blanket :)

Otherwise, we've had some fun this week. Our McDonald's opened and we took the kids there on Friday for lunch. Until they put sound dampners in the playroom, we'll be eating in the main area. It was LOUD, and that's not just the headache talking. Even Matthew couldn't handle it! The play area does have a toddler spot and Anna had a good time going down the little slide.

We attended a birthday party on Saturday afternoon for a friend of Matthew's and had a great time. Everyone there was in our Sunday school class, so it was fun for the adults as well. They had three or four of those jeep toys for the kids to ride in (the dad found them in the trash and fixed them up) and a HUGE backyard, so the boys had a great time riding around. At one point, Ben and two of his friends that were 2 were in one with the youngest one driving. Wish we'd gotten a picture of it!

And I think that's the limit of my staring at a screen.

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