Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Early Birds

The early bird is supposed to get the worm right? And that's a good thing? My little ones have all turned into early birds since Rob finished school. Matthew likes to get up around 5:30 so he can have a little time with Daddy before he leaves for work. Ben gets up shortly after him and Anna usually sleeps until close to seven, but all three of them were up at 6 this morning. **sigh** And yes, I have tried sending them to bed a little later, but they just get up at the same time and are crabbier all day long. I really, really wanted to have my quiet time in the mornings, but I'm NOT getting up at 4 to do so!! I'm sure I'll have PLENTY of morning quiet time when they are teenagers.....

Anna has started singing. We have family devotions each evening before bedtime and she climbs up on my lap for the singing part. She's trying to sing "Jesus Loves Me." So far she can hum the tune and gets out "Jesus" "Bible" and "tell." When we're singing hymns she sits on my lap and says "Sing!", usually right between the verse and chorus. The boys have enjoyed learning the hymns as well. They are both with us on Sunday nights in the service and Matthew has complained that he doesn't know the songs. This Sunday night he tried reading from the hymnal, but said we all sing too fast. If we sang at the rate he reads, it would be six o'clock before Pastor preached! (We have a five o'clock service...I love it!!)

I signed up the boys for the library reading program yesterday. They have to report minutes read instead of pages read this year, so I guess I'll keep the timer handy when we're reading. Should be another fun summer of neat library activities. The family program is just a scavenger hunt, which is always fun, and involves finding places around Watertown with just a tiny picture to guide you. We've figured out over half of them so far, but we'll need to do some driving around town for the other half.

And we've all been playing lots of Wii this summer. We borrowed Super Mario Galaxy from a friend and three of us have logged many hours playing it. I realized this morning how cool our kids' parents are! Okay, so we're really not all that cool and I'm sure the boys won't appreciate fighting over the Nintendo with Mom and Dad when they are older.....tee-heee....

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