Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Break through

A couple of nights ago, Ben and I went to my room for a little discipline over his running away issue. We sat on my bed and we talked for awhile, then I asked him, "Ben, why should you stay with Mommy?" He said, "Because I might get hit by a car." And then I asked him, "What would happen if you got hit by a car?" I really didn't think he understood the severity of getting hit by a car, but then he said, "I might die!" and he got very teary-eyed, lip quivering, then burst into tears. Wow! He actually understood that dying meant he wasn't with Mommy anymore. I didn't have to explain a thing. I took him onto my lap and cried with him. (If you've ever looked into my big-eyed, red-haired little guy's face when he's seriously crying, you'd cry right with him!) Then we prayed and asked Jesus to help Ben remember to stay with Mommy and Daddy so that he could be safe. He's been doing pretty good since.

In other news, Anna is walking about 80% of the time now. She just loves it. She laughs and claps for herself quite a bit. She will grab onto objects to steady herself as she passes them, like the piano bench, but she's doing well. My next step is to nix the bottle and get her onto sippy cups. She hates them overall and threw one at me the other day. I think she needs a softer tip to the cup and we only have one that fits the bill, so I may need to get a few more. She drained her juice out of it today so I know she'll drink from it. She still takes a pacifier at bedtime and naptime (but spits them out in her sleep) and I think we'll just let her have them for a bit longer. Neither Rob nor I are ready to give them up yet!!!


gpagmafulkerson said...

Way to go Anna walking. So cute when they are just starting out, and finding new things.

And way to go mommy with the talk with Ben. They understand things more than you think they do.

Have a great rest of the week.
How are you feeling?

Shanti said...

Well, at least he seems to be getting it now. There's nothing quite so scary as a toddler running out into traffic!

Beverly said...

We let Kenna keep her paci long past the time we made the first 3 give theirs up (around 8 months). She only had it at bedtime, and since she was always a great sleeper, I just couldn't bring myself to make her give it up and take the chance that she'd start being a terror at night!! I'm not sure when we finally pulled the plug (ha), but it was probably shortly after she turned one. Strangely, she seemed not to mind that much!