Thursday, April 2, 2009


So today we had our monthly mom's group at church. The kids and I arrived a little late b/c we had to take Rob to work, but we were still there before it really began. I got my three cherubs settled into their respective nurseries then had loads of fun with the other moms for about two hours. And then I went to pick up the children.

I always take a stroller for Anna b/c she's just to heavy to carry, so I got her settled in. By the time I was done with that, lining up a sitter for the night of the MBBC play, and talking to another mom, the boys had taken off. This is not unusual because they love to visit our church secretary and the assistant pastor. I took off after them and saw Matthew go into her office, but Ben decided to run outside. And keep going. I chose to go after Ben, thinking that Matthew would be just fine in the office. Well. Ben kept on running to our car, not heeding any warnings (and in spite of the fact that another mom nearly hit him with her van when we arrived!!) I decided to just chuck him into his carseat, thus containing the wanderer. I strapped Anna in as well and was just getting in the car to drive back to the door when I saw another mom pop out looking for me.

Apparently, Matthew had left the office in search of me and was aided by 3 ladies in a search for his illusive mother. One of his biggest fears is being left behind by mommy, so he started weeping. He then saw me driving up and wanted to come outside to me, but was restrained by another lady, so he cried harder. By the time I got him, he was sobbing uncontrolably. I kissed and cuddled him and put him into his seat. I calmed him down and explained why I left the church and that I would NEVER leave him anywhere. I then pointed to Ben and said, "Look at your brother. You made him cry b/c you couldn't obey Mommy and stay with me." Ben apologized and actually looked sorry. We're trying to make Ben understand that when he runs away from us, bad things can happen to him or others. I hope the lesson sunk in this time!

We usually grab food from a drive-thru for lunch after Mom's group, so I let Matthew choose this time. Culver's it was and I was glad to buy it for him, poor little guy. He seems okay now. We're just going to have to work harder on staying with Mommy!!


The Harrisons said...

aw - poor little Matthew - but Culvers seems like a great remedy to me :-)

Shanti said...

Ben...still the escapee. I think that more than anything makes me nervous as a mom. Especially when they get to the point that they're faster than you. They did this a few times to me in their twos. When I take them on walks, they sometimes walk farther ahead then they're supposed too, but thankfully stop at the street corner and don't try crossing without me. At this point, I'm reduced to waddling so I can't keep up as well. ;-) Well, I'll have another little one to chase in a year or so.

Maybe it will sink in now to Ben after seeing his brother in great distress. That sometimes works with my kids.