Thursday, April 16, 2009

In the Words of General McAuliffe....

....nuts. We missed out on our date tonight because I was sick. I woke up early this morning feeling rather icky and it just got progressively worse today. Rob came home from work at 7:30 preparing to get to class, but he just dropped off a paper that was due and stayed home instead. Then while we was at work (round 2) I got to feeling even worse than before with shakes, cold chills, and then the sweats. I called him home around noon. And then HE came down with it! Thankfully, he is not as bad off as I was, but it's a good thing we did cancel our date. Unfortunately, because the event is a Maranatha required event, he still has to try to go to another performance. It's the spring play, and we like plays and musicals, but it's the Music Man, which neither of us care for. So he'll be trying to get into the Saturday afternoon performance without me. **sigh** I'll be so thankful when he's a seminary student next year and all this stuff isn't required.

In more fun news, Miss Anna has become quite the little exhibitionist. She has figured out what makes us laugh and performs her antics repeatedly. They involve climbing onto the couch and falling onto cushions, standing and laughing as heartily as possible, and falling down and saying a version of "Ka-boom!" when she hits the ground. She and Matthew also "chase" each other around and laugh. She's trying to run now, but with very little success.

Matthew got one of those sticky frog things with his Easter bag from his Sunday school teacher. He didn't know it was sticky until he threw it onto the ceiling. We now have a green frog suspended from our 11-foot ceiling. Rob could get it down, but it's pretty funny seeing a green frog up there so we'll leave it for now. Reading has clicked for Matthew now and he's reading everything he can. It's so fun to see him excited about new books.

Ben started in Tiny Trackers with us a few weeks ago and it's been fun to see him interact with the other 3's. I've been particullarly impressed with his abilities in gametime. He's probably one of the best one's on the team and the other kids have been there all year! He may be our little athelete.

Time to go back to the couch....

1 comment:

Shanti said...

John hated all the Fine Arts requirements when he was there too! Oh well, the end is in sight!

Angela and David got a bunch of sticky snakes in their bag from SS. We didn't realize this until we noticed snakes hanging high up on our wall. It was pretty funn! We, too, left them hanging around for awhile. :-)