Monday, April 6, 2009

Matthew funny

Last night, Matthew was trying to read his Bible while Rob was in the bathroom. Rob kept hearing the most bizarre verses coming from the child. For example: For whom the Lord loveth he coretion of a father, and attend to know recteth, even as a father the son in understanding. whom he delighteth.

Rob was trying to figure out what was going on, when he realized that Matthew was reading straight across the page instead of by columns. Rob explained to him that each column was like a page. Mind you, he wasn't reading as well as what I typed..he skipped big words and ones he didn't know, but he did pretty good overall! I'm just impressed that he picked up a KJV Bible and read a portion of it.


gpagmafulkerson said...

Yeah , for Matthew for the effort. !!!

Shanti said...

LOL!! Well, I guess you wouldn't think to read in columns when you've been taught to read across the page. I love what kids come up with! Could even be some great new doctrine! :-)