Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Boo-Boo

Boo-Boo is one of Anna's little nicknames. Moms will understand that sometimes these crazy nicknames just come out of our mouths and stick with the kids. Or maybe it's just me :) Anyway, Boo-Boo has been doing some rather funny things recently. One of them would be calling her own baby dolls Boo-Boo. My mother-in-law taught her how to hug the baby and so we play that little game, where we hug the baby and pass it on to be hugged. I added one little twist and starting saying "mine!" when I hugged the dolly, so she started that as well. She's a little too good at it, so I curbed the phrase...

We have moved the baby gate from the bottom of the stairs to the landing. She has been so determined to get up them that I figured I'd better just give her practice in a safer way. She can go up the three steps to the landing. It's kept her very occupied the past few days. She has figured out how to walk down the stairs holding the railing and has claimed the landing as her own little clubhouse, dragging her toys and drinks up the stairs.

As for drinks, she has decided to follow doctor's orders and start drinking from the sippy. She had a bottle this morning, then used sippys for the rest of the day. Go figure! This child has thrown cups at me repeatedly, had her own version of sit-down-strikes, and played with them more than drinking from them for the past few months. Next time I need her to transistion from something, I guess I'll just get the pediatrician on the phone with her! Who knew???

She is now saying "ma-ma" at times other than when she's cranky. She has picked up "no" and answers that to every question we ask her. She has her own form of "thank you" and says "no my" when she is around something she's not supposed to touch. She walks all the time now, which is a blessing. Her other funny habit is picking up paper and bringing it to us. Glad she's no longer trying to eat paper!!

And lastly, she is very sensitive. Anytime we have to say "no" to her to reprimand behavior, she cries buckets of tears. Her little lip quivers, tears start rolling, and then she wails. Rob says that he will never be able to discipline her. I don't know, she melts my heart too!!

1 comment:

gpagmafulkerson said...

Melts my heart just reading about her. Awwww!