Monday, April 13, 2009

A Hoppy Easter Weekend

We had a pretty busy weekend, starting on Friday with a visit from the B family. Their daughter, Kaitlyn, is Matthew's future wife, according to him. They had a great time romping around the house (including a water fight in the bathroom with Ben as the poor, helpless victim and roughhousing upstairs with Ben as the poor, helpless, profusely bleeding victim.) Kaitlyn's sister is the same age as Anna, so the two of them toddled around together playing with baby toys. Fun was had by all (although Ben might not have had as much fun as his siblings....and the bleeding did subside quickly.) In the afternoon, the repairman came and fixed our oven (woo-hoo!) And after these opening acts, the main event rolled in around 4pm---Grandma and Grandpa Litwiller.

I'm sure that prior to visiting our home, both sets of grandparents have to undergo tough physical and mental training. Our boys can keep a set of grandparents hopping for hours on end with no break in sight. They will pull out as many games and books as can be fit into a short visit. Rob and I have to periodically say, "Let's let Grandma have a break. Here, watch a movie." We went out to supper that evening to Applebee's, which Ben loves. I think he just likes the grilled cheese :) Then the kids received Easter presents from both their grandparents and their great-grandma. Left to his own devices, Ben would have already consumed every last bit of chocolate! Both boys got new pajama sets and have only taken them off to go out of the house. Anna loves her animal crackers and "devoured" the handle of her new book.

The kids did settle down for bedtime, but woke up ready to roll again the next morning. We colored Easter eggs for the first time with them. The boys would have been ready last year, but I was a little preoccupied with a newborn :) We had fun and even did a little color mixing at the end. We went out for lunch to Upper Krust. The boys were too wired to sit still for long and never really did settle down until bedtime. In between that, their grandparents left, everyone but the boys napped, and we went out to do some last-minute Easter shopping. After getting the kids to bed, Rob and I went into cooking mode. We had to prepare an egg casserole for our Sunday school brunch the next morning and get our Easter lunch ready. I baked a potato casserole, Rob got green beans into the crock pot to cook overnight, and then the next morning replaced the green beans with a ham. It was yummy!!

In the morning, the boys woke up and found their Easter baskets in the dining room, emptied them, then hunted for the eggs in the living room. We got them both a book, a chocolate bunny, and a mushroom thingy that grows snap dragons. Anna received some Easter Little People and a cookie that we ended up throwing out b/c it was hard and nasty.

We had fun dolling up Anna for her first Easter at church. I even got a little bow to clip in her curls. The boys had matching polos. I wanted to find them Hawaiian shirts but they ones I saw were just goofy looking. We had a nice time at the services, then came home for lunch. The boys played egg hunt for over an hour, which pretty much destroyed the eggs :)

We had a nice Easter weekend and are looking forward to the next big event: Rob's graduation.

1 comment:

Shanti said...

Poor Ben!!

BTW, over the course of 3 days, the dye on my hands from the Easter eggs finally went away!!! So I did have pink, and purple, and blue and yellowy hands for church that morning. :-P