Monday, April 20, 2009

The Doctor's Visit

Today Ben and Anna had check-ups. When I set up these appointments three months ago, Rob's work schedule was different and Anna's nap schedule was different. A 1:30pm appointment was feasible. As of now, it was not looking too pretty. However, God is good, and all went well.

I decided against finding a place for Matthew to go and just took him along with us. We talked alot about expected behavior and what would happen there. We took Rob to work and then went on over for their appointments. Thinking ahead each step of the way and telling the boys exactly what to do really helped. As we walked inside, I told them to hang up their jackets and then go play with the toys while I checked in. No problem. They even had a bunch of new toys that kept them well-occupied. Then I told them we would wait for our names. Matthew kept checking with me to see if we had been called :) I had already told them that Ben and Anna would be weighed and measured, so they knew exactly where to go and what to do. Matthew insisted on doing both as well, but repeatedly informed the nurse that he didn't need a check-up, he just wanted to know his weight and height (which is funny when you think about the fact that the numbers mean nothing to him.) Height measurements: MJ--41 inches, BJ--37 1/2 inches, AJ--31 inches. Weight: MJ--40 lbs, BJ--34 lbs, AJ--23 lbs. I expected Anna to be heavier, but she is deceptively chubby in the gut and the thigh. Ben is still growing in the 50th percentile for weight and height. Anna is in the 70's for weight and 80's for height.

We had two nurses join us, one for each of the kids getting the check-up. The male nurse kept asking questions about Ben that Matthew would answer, so I just turned the answering over to him :) Anna wouldn't sit still for her temp to be taken underarm, so the nurse did her ear. That's all I ever do at home, but we need a math equation to figure it out. Ben got the thermometor stuck on celcius and I can't figure out how to get it back! Anyway, at the end of that part, Ben had to go potty. The nurses realized we were in the wrong exam room, so they moved the other two across the hall while I took Ben potty. And then we waited for the doctor. The nurses put an extra toy in our room so the kids had plenty to play with. They also explored the exam table and the stool on wheels. My kids are usually more curious than naughty and they were all three VERY BUSY in that little room. Our pediatrician came in shortly and Matthew began chattering to him. I gave him the "be quiet" look and he obeyed, but that little guy has a hard time keeping quiet! There were no real concerns with the kids, other than I think Ben may have a slight vision problem (no real need to see an eye doctor just yet, though) and Anna is drinking too much milk. That means I have to push the sippy cups with her. Yeah. This is going to be LOADS of fun!

And then it was time for the poking. Anna had a lead and iron test done, so they had to squeeze blood out of her little finger. She screamed and wouldn't stop bleeding afterwards. She yanked off the band-aid, so I resorted to putting pressure on her finger with paper towel after paper towel. She quit bleeding right as the nurses came in to give her four shots. Poor baby was very upset! Matthew and Ben cowered in the corner with their ears covered. And then they kissed their baby sister and we went out, them to the toys and me to schedule her 15-month appointment and Matthew's yearly check-up.

We had an hour to kill before picking Rob up from work, so we went to Applebee's for dessert. Matthew placed the order for us and took his brother potty for me. He's getting to be so big! I think they put some "silly" in Anna's shots because she was goofy the entire time. The kids behaved very well and enjoyed some cheese sticks and huge sundaes. I thought I was going to have to pop their eyes back into their heads when the ice cream arrived. I told them, "You guys are getting really spoiled today." Matthew said, "Yep. And you are too, Mommy." I asked him how I was getting spoiled. He said, "We're letting you have a treat, too!"

God is good. Rob and I both prayed about today with me taking out the kids solo. We have two active, curious boys and it can be a chore to keep track of them sometimes. They were so good, and it can only be God that caused it to happen. I'm so thankful we serve a God who cares about the seemingly small details in our lives. I am pretty tired after all of that, but it was fun.

1 comment:

Shanti said...

Oh, yes. Taking everyone to the doctor at once can be fun! ha! I now just have them pack their little backpacks full of coloring books, toys, whatevers... That helps!

David is stuck at 38 lbs. I suppose if he was wearing shoes and a winter coat when weighed he'd be 40lbs. Trying to get him up to 40 so we can use our booster seat!