Saturday, April 11, 2009

Chocolate Jesus

Tonight we went out to get Easter shirts for the boys and I needed to run into Wal-Mart before coming home. Rob kept the kids in the car and played music for them. Ben kept requesting the song "Chocolate Jesus." Rob couldn't figure out what on earth he wanted and kind of listened to a few of the songs. The CD was "O Veggie, Where Art Thou?" and has lots of old time gospel songs on it. Finally, Rob figured out that Ben wanted "Just a Little Talk with Jesus." I guess it does sound like "Just a little Chocolate Jesus" to a three-year-old. That song has officially been ruined for me forever, along with "A Mighty Fortress" (A Mighty Tortoise, thank you Dr. McGoldrick) and "O Come Now King Eternal" and I won't even mention how Rob distorted that one. Oh, and "Fill My Cup, Lord" parodied by my sister as "Fill 'Er Up, Lord." Is nothing sacred??? :)

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