Friday, August 24, 2007

Baby QE Update

Here is the latest picture of Baby Q.E. I think she looks like a blob (yes, she...wishful thinking) but Rob says that he can see the head (obvious), arms, and can tell that her legs are crossed. He has better eyes than I!

As it turns out, I will have another c-section. I know that in some places they will do VBACs no matter how many prior c-sections a person has had: southern Wisconsin is not one of those places. They would if I had only one, but since I've had two, I have to go c-section again. Oh, well, it is kind of nice to have it scheduled instead of going with the unknown. Since I'll probably never deliver naturally, my hope now is that I can nurse this baby instead of doing formula. I'd like to be able to perform at least one of my God-given female talents! (Okay, I guess I have been and am pregnant, so make that two talents.)

I will also be delivering in Oconomowoc instead of Watertown since my doctor does not deliver here. That is also fine, because they have a pretty nice birthing center. A menu to order from instead of getting my drab food chosen for me, a celebration dinner for me and Rob, plasma TV, a private room, fridge in the room, the kids AND grandparents can visit whenever they like (hey Mom, wanna spend the night???) ....basically, a whole new world from Kaiser in San Jose!

Some of you are probably wondering about the gestational diabetes....well, I had a blood draw today (many, actually) and one of them will test my blood sugar levels for the past few months. (How can they know that???) If they are high, I'll get tested now. If not, I get tested at 28 weeks, but need to start eating on the diet and lightly exercising in the meantime. That's fine with me because the less time I have to home test, the better off I'll be! Being diet controlled the last two times keeps me from being less scared about this pregnancy.

So that's the update on Baby Q.E. Next appointment is in September and we'll find out if she's a she on October 23rd. Oh, we have our decoy names picked out. A boy will be Icabod Silas, which means "The glory has departed from the forest." A girl will be Deborah Eunice, which means "Honey Bee Joyful." (Deborah actually was a real name choice, but it's funny with Eunice) We dropped those names at a get-together recently and you should have seen people's faces! They were trying to be polite while hiding their dislike of the names. It was so fun! Actually, we have no boy name chosen as of yet, but we do have a girl name we like. We haven't decided if we'll announce before or after she's born. Matthew already knows it, so we'll probably have to tell :)

That's all for now. My parents are coming tomorrow, so it's time to clean. You know the drill, make your house appear nicer than it ever does on a normal day so that people don't know how you really live :)


The Harrisons said...

aw - what a precious little blob :) How is morning sickness coming?

Unknown said...

It's coming along just fine. I stay sick most of the day with brief interludes of almost normal. Somedays I can eat, some I can't. I'm having a hard time fixing the boys their lunches--they always want hot dogs! Yuck! Yesterday I picked up Arby's just so I wouldn't have to cook :)

Shanti said...

I can see the head quite clearly, but not the arms and legs!

I'll just have to have Angela ask Matthew what his little sister's name is going to be. ;-)

We had a private room and a menu at Watertown. We did not have a fridge though. We got to choose a gift--I forget what it was. Oh...what long term memory I have! No plasma TV--though we did have a TV and they had a library of videos we could choose from. Oh wait...I'm getting confused. The library of videos to choose from were mostly kids videos for when Angela had pneumonia. Or David? Or wait? Maybe me too? hahahahahahha! That's it! I give up on my brain! The aliens sucked it out in my sleep!

The Harrisons said...

I remember doing that on more than one occassion (in fact I still do it - I just don't have a good excuse anymore) but I LOVED hotdogs!! It was the only thing I could eat along with MacDonalds for ages! Hope you start feeling better soon!

hartgirlies said...

OH my goodness! I thought you said you were having a GIRL, there for a second! I was about to package up a bunch of hairbows and send them to you!
I miss you, Penni! All of our little sarcastic chats about nothing. I am going to have to drive up to Wisconsin. How about tomorrow? I will have 3 babysitting kids and Ashlee in tow and I am sure we will be hungry for a gourmet dinner by the time we get there. I'll have to be back by 3 to get the kids off the bus....