Monday, August 27, 2007

Odds and Ends

We had a lovely visit with my parents this past weekend. We didn't tell Matthew that they were coming, only that we were going to McDonald's for lunch (where we would meet them.) We told him that "McDonald's" was going to call us when they were ready for us to go to lunch. We got the call (although the boys had made a quick run to the library, so I had to pick them up) and headed out. Matthew was rather surprised to see Grandpa and Grandma there and it took him a bit to get over the shock. Ben knew who it was right away and smiled real big.

We had a nice time with them. It was especially nice for Rob because he got some help cooking. He and Mom made a Salmon dinner (someone gave us one) with fried potatoes. I ate a hamburger....I do not touch most fish while pregnant (you're not supposed to anyway) and I can't stand salmon normally. I did make a Tupperware cake for dessert...very yummy! Mom and I did some grocery shopping in the afternoon and had a wonderful time. We took a walk that evening after supper and the boys loved it. We've had so much rain and Mommy has been so sick that they haven't been out much.

We had a nice time on Sunday as well. After lunch, we all walked over to Mullin's Dairy for ice cream. Ben fell asleep eating his, so Matthew ended up with two kiddie dishes. We walked through the Antique Mall afterwards and had a nice time. I was pretty exhausted by the time they left. I think it was just from talking to them! Of course, watching grass grow makes you tired when you're pregnant. :)

Rob had a very special treat on Sunday night. Matthew had come downstairs after bedtime and fell asleep on the couch. Rob got to carry him up to bed, loving every minute. Those precious moments just get fewer and fewer. Then, Benjamin woke up at 11:45 pm with a nightmare. He sat with me (nodding off periodically) until Rob came out of the bathroom and got to put a sleeping Ben to bed. I am so blessed to have a husband that is thrilled to put sleeping children in their beds. He just loves those little boys to pieces!

Rob had to do something very horrible last night: He shaved. He cannot keep his goatee during the school year and he looks like an old man with just a mustache, so he is now clean-shaven. I do not like that face as much without hair, but at least it didn't make me cry or shock me to pieces this time. I know it's just hair, but Rob does not look the same without. He can't wait until he takes grad classes and can grow the goat all year round. Ben kind of looked at him for a bit and then smiled this morning. Matthew, on the other hand, would not stop laughing. He kept running up to Rob to look at him and laugh. I finally had to put a stop to it because it was beginning to hurt Rob's feelings. Matthew and I had a talk about laughing at people, and he did better after that.

I have more funny family stories, but my head is pounding, so I'll write later.


hartgirlies said...

That is so funny! I know I don't like it as much when Michael shaves either. I think it makes him look like he is 12! He just shaved his reeeeaaalll short. He has to do it every now and again or it gets too squirrely. I like his on the shorter side anyway. It does make it nice and soft when you kiss them! EEEWWWW! I just talked to my cousin's wife about kissing! On that note...
(Just kidding)

Shanti said...

So you can keep your facial hair if you're a grad student?? I think it's more important to get to keep your facial hair if you're a married student and your spouse prefers you with the facial hair. Have you written that petition yet?

The Harrisons said...

Aw - funny stories...I love that MacDonalds calls you when they are ready for you to come :-) It's also funny that you like Rob better with a beard - I am opposite - I like Jonathan's beard but I like him better without. Hope the semester is off to a good start! Any news on the new job? Did you look into getting WIC now that you are pregnant - it helped us with groceries quite a bit!

Unknown said...

I have a very good argument for allowing Rob to keep his facial hair but it's rather personal and I won't share it on an blog....and I doubt it would work.

One tactic I thought of using was taking that verse about the husband's body being the wife's and I won't let him shave, but I didn't think they would buy it.