Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Boys will be boys

Today my two little guys kept me hopping. If one wasn't in trouble, the other one was, and sometimes it was both. However, I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm raising active little boys and they are bound to get into trouble.

One of Ben's favorite past times is climbing onto the table. Today, he made it on the table a few times and whacked the chandelier. So glad he discovered that bit of fun. I just got done breaking Matthew of that habit....

Both boys have been found several times climbing onto the kitchen counter by way of a chair that they moved. Matthew has been into the candy in the cupboard (need to move it higher) and Ben found a tomato soup can in the sink to play with.

One of the funnier things they were doing today is banging heads. They don't do it very hard, and it makes them giggle like crazy. I don't think I've ever seen girls doing that to each other. Oh, and they always enjoy a good romp around the couches. I don't mind that one a bit and they have a great time together.

Ben decided to bounce on my knee every chance he got and Matthew kept trying to cuddle. I normally enjoy both of these things, but not when I'm sick and the humidity is around nine thousand percent. Ah, well, it won't last too much longer. Before we know it, the blessed coolness of fall will join us, along with the glorious cold of winter. (Can you tell I really don't like summer???) Rob keeps telling me I wouldn't enjoy winter so much if I had to shovel the snow. Of course, he turns me down every time I offer to do it. :)

The boys are in the bath tub right now (Rob supervising) and it's fun to listen to them laugh together. Especially from one floor away...........


Jesse Rimshas said...

Your little boys are headbanging already? I guess I always assumed that held off until atleast the pre-teens. *Sigh* How little I feel I know about fatherhood...

By the way, that's proof positive that males are naturally more intelligent than females, even from an early age. What little girls would have thought of stimulating physical brain growth in such an efficient and ingenius fashion?

The Harrisons said...

Just imagine all the cool new tricks they can teach the baby..."this is how you bang heads..." :-)