Saturday, August 18, 2007

An Update

I haven't really updated for a few days as the morning sickness has been getting the better of me. Friday was a particularly bad day. I have a cold, so it is really doing me in. I had a good nights sleep Thursday night, but woke up on Friday feeling like I hadn't slept at all. I kept falling asleep all morning until Rob called a friend to take the boys for a few hours. I took a nap and was better by the time they came back. I fed them lunch and then they took a nap for three hours. Rob came home early that night, so it was pretty good overall.

Today we had a picnic with our Sunday school class. It was a lot of fun, in spite of the rain. The food was good, the company better, and the kids had a great time playing on the playground in the rain. Our teacher "hid" a bunch of candy in the grass and the kids collected it. I helped Ben, but he caught on pretty quickly and didn't need much help! I think he found as much as Matthew did. We didn't get to play any games because of the rain, but it was fun anyway.

Rob is going to apply for a new job on Monday. If hired, he will be working 3rd shift. Now, I am terribly afraid of being alone in the dark, but for some reason, I have a real peace about this job. We had another "kick in the pants", so to speak, when we got the results from our semi-annual review for our state insurance/food share benefits. Rob and I were kicked off because his job offers insurance (although it is WAY too expensive) and our food share benefits were reduced to less than half of what we had before. Rob worked a lot of overtime this summer and I had to project earnings from Tupperware, so that did us in. So, he will hopefully get this other job and we're praying that my Tupperware takes off. In fact, with these new hours, our car situation is solved because I can be home from a party before he takes off for work.

Oh, before anyone panics and thinks that we're uncovered, Rob will be getting insurance through MBBC for the semester until his new job's insurance kicks in, I'm still covered because I'm pregnant (but will then go onto Rob's) and the boys are covered by the state until they are six, but we'll switch them to Rob's when his kicks in. So we are okay, as far as that's concerned. And we did get food share benefits for August: our decrease does not take effect until mid-September. So we're okay.

We had a wonderful evening with the boys. We played Candyland (I won) and even Ben tried to join in. Then we had a massive tickle fest. Rob then weightlifted with the boys. I don't mean that they all three had weights: I mean that ROB weightlifted WITH the boys. They were his dumbbells, so to speak. He bench presses them, uses them for arm curls, and other fun things. They love it, although Ben was too wiggly at first to be benchpressed. It's fun to watch them play!

That's all for now. Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

Shanti said...

I just haven't been in the mood to blog. It comes and goes. That picnic was fun--and I loved "lawn golf". I think if we bought it we could squeeze it into our backyard. :-)