Friday, August 3, 2007

Baby Quandry Enigma

Here is the first picture of Baby Quandry Enigma, the newest little Litwiller. Q.E. is definitely there, after multiple testings to prove his/her existence!

For those who haven't heard the story, I took a home pregnancy test a few weeks ago and it was posititve. My strongest sign of pregnancy was extreme exhaustion (see my house to prove it). I did my duty and immediately called the doctor. I took a test the following day, with negative results. Because the home test was positive, they ordered a blood test. And another one. And another one. And one more after that, just to be sure. Then my doctor did an ultrasound today, and there was our new little baby, heart beating and everything. By the dates I gave them, I should be seven and a half weeks along, but the size of the baby showed six weeks. That explains the negative result, because it was earlier than we thought for me to test. I don't have a due date yet, but the end of March is the general time. Personally, I think an April 1 baby would be more appropriate for this one!

Rob and I are thrilled to pieces to be having another one. I know it's awfully soon, since the boys are so little, but I would like to have my children while I'm younger, and I'm already 31 as it is! The first thoughts always go towards affordability, but honestly, if the Lord didn't think we should have a child then I wouldn't be pregnant. We've prayed for a third one in God's timing, not ours, and we take this as a sure sign that we'll be okay. Besides, if we all waited to have kids until we could afford them, we wouldn't have them at all!

Oh, by the way, Q.E. is not the baby's real name. We named the boys each something goofy when in utero, and changed the name once we knew their gender. Matthew was Bam-Bam and Ben was Pebbles (we were hoping for a girl). Since I kept having all the tests, we thought Quandry Enigma sounded good!


gpagmafulkerson said...

Finally, proof positive. Yes!!!
Congratulations! Hoping for a girl?

Shanti said...

You're right the little "+" signs to practically hide the baby. :-) I don't think my first ultrasound was until I was 3 months along. So they look a bit bigger than that. Maybe the size of 2 peanuts. hehe.

Did you mean "quandry" or "quandary"?

Megan R. said...

Ha! Sela's in utero nickname was Pebble (minus the s) because she was a "little Rock." tee-hee-hee

Evan didn't end up with a nickname beyond April Baby since that was when he was due.

Jesse Rimshas said...

Congratulations!!! I'm very happy for you guys, and Penni, although I may not really know how you feel, I think I can identify with Rob. What's your craving? My wife's is Mac and Cheese. I may never want to see another bowl of Mac and Cheese in my life after Baby Rimshas is born! (My last name is goofy enough a name for a baby...)

I love your philosophy of kids!! "If the Lord didn't think we should have a child then I wouldn't be pregnant." Bravo! We wholeheartedly agree. God will provide for the children. It seems like most people in our generation (if they have kids at all) want to wait until they own a house and get "financially secure" (as if that were really possible!), and then just one or two. But where's the faith in that?

Hey, My apologies for not keeping up with the blog!! I'm afraid I've been negligent in keeping up with blogs recently, including my own. I'll do better in the future.

Congrats you two!

Unknown said...

My cravings are hamburgers and mashed potatoes. And Diet Coke calms down my stomach when I'm queasy.

I can sympathize on the mac and cheese thing, because it's one of my boys' favorite meals. If I never see another bowl of that stuff, it'll be too soon!