Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Prayer Request

Please keep our family in prayer in regards to our finances. Rob's current job is simply not enough to meet our needs and we're falling short every month. He is attempting to find work right now that will either replace his current job or that he can do alongside of his job. He likes where he works and would like to at least go parttime on it, not quit altogether. He had two interviews today and one position was just filled, but if that person doesn't work out, then they'd hire Rob. The other is a cleaning position, but it requires him to clean at a Budweiser loading place, which he simply cannot commit to in good conscience. The third place, a laboratory, has not yet contacted him. Please pray that God would show us a clear direction and that our finances will be taken care of very soon.

I have just agreed to be a Tupperware Consultant, so that should help a bit around here. Rob and I discussed my working, but we simply don't feel that my place is to work outside the home right now. Especially since..........(drum roll, please) we are expecting our third little bundle of joy. Sometime in March, a new little Litwiller will be arriving. Okay, well five of the six pregnancy tests say so and I'm having an ultrasound on Friday to confirm. I'll have to save a blog just to talk about all this crazy testing :)

So, we would appreciate your prayers at this time. I think I'm going to take a nap now. I'm just about done with today's bout of "morning" sickness (for me, after breakfast until mid-afternoon sickness.) and I need a nap! Toodles!


The Harrisons said...

YAY!! we heard a rumor of such tidings from two little birdies who just visited us :) We will pray about the finances - we totally understand what that is like!! Happy napping :)

Anonymous said...


And I can definitely relate to the financial issues. The medical bills keep rolling in, and I have no idea how we'll pay them. Maybe $10 a month for the next 40 years? LOL We've talked about me going back to work, but for a whole bunch of reasons, we feel that that's not the best for our family or the ministry.

Give us this day our daily bread...

Unknown said...

Karen--Goes to show how news travels fast...wonder how those birdies heard it?

Megan--Thanks for your ending comment. I told a few people that our Heavenly Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills. Maybe He'll sell a few head and give us the proceeds :)

Anonymous said...

Well, if He sells a few head and sends the proceeds OUR way, we'll split it with you!

Shanti said...

Definitely will be praying for you! Know all about financial troubles! ;-) Though our situation is not immediately that dire, we will be paying off bills many many years into the future if things stay the same.

BTW, if the heat and humidity is especially bad on certain days, you could always come on over to my house and chill (literally) since we have AC.

Jesse Rimshas said...

We'll be praying for you. Been there, girlfriend...