Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Aftermath of VBS

Ben came down with some virus yesterday. He put himself down for a nap when Anna went down and then woke up with a fever. He vomited and then went back to sleep. He was feeling pretty crummy all day, but only got sick twice. And then he slept all night long and woke up asking what was for breakfast and started planning the other two meals. He ate two pancakes and some eggs, so I guess he really was hungry!

Matthew is now sneezing and coughing, so I'm beginning to wonder if they didn't just contract a bunch of illnesses at VBS. I myself got chicken pox from VBS when I was six and shared it with my three-year-old brother.

We're praying that we all stay healthy for our trip to Illinois next weekend to celebrate Matthew's fifth birthday and my niece's first birthday.

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