Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Slug City

My children have morphed into slugs. It's been a slow process (pun intended) and has gotten worse as our week has progressed. Family Bible School has worn them down considerably and they lay around like slugs for most of the day, mustering up enough energy to go again the next night. Miss Anna has been the hardest hit and was very lethargic all day. She sat on my lap during school time and didn't try to grab anything off the table. She didn't try to get on top of chairs or climb up the stairs. And she actually stayed in one place when I set her down. I checked her repeatedly for fevers but she's okay. My diagnosis is a case of "Bible school nursery is wearing me out!" We only have one night left and I think she'll make it. :)

We had a nice time last night reconnecting with one of my friends from Cedarville. Renee and I met our first day there and have been friends ever since. Three of her children line up in age with my three, so it was loads of fun have all eleven of us in a booth at Culver's for supper. She and her family came through the area on their vacation and stopped in. We had a nice time but decided a park would be a better place to meet next time, since the kids were rather wired. But, it was fun and our children act like they are the best of friends.

And just to share our fun news: Rob and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary next month and it looks like we'll get a two-night getaway!!! Some friends of ours offered to take the kids for that length of time, so we're checking out a resort in the area. We want something that is NOT family-oriented and very relaxing. There is a nice resort in Oconomowoc that fits the bill. When you think about us, pray that we all stay healthy and that we get this time away together.


gpagmafulkerson said...

HOpe all goes well and you get to go.

Megan R. said...

Praying you get to go!! We have twice now this summer lost out on chances to have the grandparents keep the kids. It gets frustrating. :(