Thursday, July 23, 2009

What I Learned Today

By Anna June Litwiller

Today, I learned how to climb up the gate to the study and hoist one leg over. I also learned that I don't know how to climb down, only fall on my head.

I learned how to take off my shorts and am working on the diaper.

I learned how to climb over the couch into the windowsill.

I learned that a candle is not a cookie.

Mommy tried to teach me where my eyes are, but I thought she said, "hi's" so I acted like I was on the phone.

Wonder what I'll learn tomorrow???


The Harrisons said...

so cute! what an adventurer you have there :-)

gpagmafulkerson said...

And a handful, too.

Beverly said...

Oh, don't you love this stage! So fun...and funny, too!