Thursday, July 23, 2009

Matthew Stats

Matthew went to the doctor today and I thought I'd share his stats both physically and other-ly. :)

Height: He is currently 43 inches tall. They did not enter his height properly last year, so it looks like he got shorter. Both the doctor and I got a good chuckle out of it. Matthew has most certainly grown in the last year. Last summer he had just learned to recognize his letters and the sounds they make, this year he is reading at a second-grade level. Last year I couldn't get him to color for more than five seconds, this year he is writing words and drawing semi-recognizable pictures. Last year he left the nursery for good and this year he is entering kindergarten. He has grown in his faith (although it left him a little today. I told him to pray for his brother, who has a name-calling problem. Several hours later he said, "I don't know WHAT God is doing, but He's not helping Ben much!")

Weight: Matthew weighs 42 lbs. 8oz. He is right on target for the proportion between weight and height (although he looks a little skinny to me!) He has also been pulling his weight around the house alot more. He is required to do three chores each morning and he's always eager to get them done. I hardly ever need to vaccuum anymore b/c he loves this chore! He helps me with Anna (fetching diapers, etc.) and loves entertaining her when needed. He's sometimes too eager to help with things, but his spirit and heart are in the right place.

Hearing: Well, the check turned out fine, but I think it needs a little least his listening.

Spine: For the first time, Matthew had a spine check for straightness. And he does have one, for sure!

Lead Test: Hmmm....if you heard tons of unexplainable screaming around 3:15 pm CST, that was Matthew getting his finger pricked. He is my drama king, whether it be a physical injury or emotional. Thankfully, his forgiveness is far-reaching.

He's a sweet, healthy little guy. And yes, he got an ice cream cone after the appointment! I think my treat is having such a terrific son.

1 comment:

gpagmafulkerson said...

He is growing so much. Glad to hear everything is good with him.