Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tidbits off my Brain

I needed to get a couple of cute kid things off my brain before I forget them. So here goes!

When we were in Illinois this weekend, Anna practiced her vocab by adding some family names. One of them was her cousin Jamie, who is 3 1/2 months older than her. She walked up to him and said, "Jamie, Jamie, Hi Hi!" Jamie kind of stared at her but didn't say anything. Anna walked away, threw her arm in the air and said, "Boy!"

Matthew is currently taking a bath by himself. We've decided that five might just be the cut-off age for bathing with siblings. He's rather excited about this and said that he doesn't want to be a big boy, he wants to be a HUGE boy.

Matthew got his first burn tonight helping Rob fry chicken. He's okay, but he was rather dramatic until the burn was taken care of. I'm impressed, though, because I won't even fry chicken!

Ben and I walked over to the library tonight to turn in his final step in the reading program. Both boys are now finished and got their free books (both Clifford), pizza coupons, and tickets to the pool party on August 2nd. Ben finished with an encore reading of "Big Trouble in Walla Walla" which I heartily recommend for those who enjoy reading tongue twisters (which I do!)

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