Thursday, July 9, 2009

Another year over...

Family Bible School has come to a close and the boys had a wonderful time. The theme was construction oriented, so they came home with Home Depot kids aprons, construction hats, and tons of candy. They had a blast and hopefully learned a little something. Rob and I got to watch them play games at the carnival at the end and our boys stayed together the entire time. It's so neat to see how their friendship has blossomed. I'm so glad we're homeschooling b/c I would hate to see that closeness compromised by sending them off to age-segregated classrooms.

Rob and I were in charge of the nursery tonight, which had all of three kids. The other parents picked up their kids early, so we just shut down the nursery and went to watch our boys. I did get to go to the last adult session, and it was good. And we got more free Berres Brothers coupons.

And for the funny of the day: Matthew was telling me this morning that he wants a little brother. And not a replacement for Anna--he thinks we need another child, but a boy this time. I told him the only way that would happen is if he and Ben prayed for it. Ben immediately bowed his head and prayed for a long time. I didn't catch all that was said, but I did hear, "Please, Jesus, send us a new baby brother because we really want one." And they want to name the baby Samuel Joseph. You know, if by God's grace (and sense of humor) we have another boy, I'll go with the name!

1 comment:

Megan R. said...

What's funny about the name Samuel Joseph is that it goes with your "middle names starting with J" theme! LOL